City storiesN.Comment

Yoga gems in London #1

City storiesN.Comment
Yoga gems in London #1

Can't believe I've been here almost 3 months, growing love for this city day by day. Ever since the first month, I've found a great way to explore the city AND studios in one go! Every weekend, I'd deliberately pick a studio in a new neighborhood I've never been, then pick a cafe in that neighborhood to read or chill for an hour and stroll around before sunset. What better way to explore the city! And here's my few picks so far, and more to come.. 

ETHOS at Liverpool Street

Great location, fun-loving staff and OBREE the handsome mascot (see snap of him above just outside the yoga room), man how could you not love ETHOS. A hybrid of barre, HIIT and yoga studio, super upbeat music but surprising warm and cosy yoga room. I was quite surprised as I was expecting a bit more cold and tech from its branding, but surprisingly not! Despite the soreness and embarrassing sweat at the tube after every class, I find myself keep going back for more and I especially love their Ethos elemental flow class, energetic and unapologetic. I also had a go with Jennifer's Ballet Barre Blast and leaving the room feeling toned and satisfied (sweaty of course!). And if you're feeling a dancer and too shy to actually enroll a ballet class, the Ballet Classic is the one for you - I absolutely feel like a swan pro during the class. Just one thing I'd say - not sure if it was just me, but I'd wish they could turn off the heat for a bit half way through, the guy next to me was sweating like a river! 

Yogasphere at the Shard

If you're newbie like me in London, you wouldn't miss the chance for this! Beautiful view, attentive instructor, so what more can you say with that! My class was just at Level 24 (there's another one at Level 69), but the view was already incredibly breathtaking. We were in luck that day was such a beautiful sunny day (not a usual scene in London!). The moment we're almost done with the flow and resting in Savasana, I simply didn't want to close my eyes because looking in the clouds flowing was meditative enough, there's just something so calming about that moment.. Try it yourself if you don't believe me. 

The Power Yoga Company at Parsons Green

I must say - it was a loooong way for me to travel all the way to the west but it was all worth it! The studio settled in a quiet, calm neighborhood, it was a windy day outside but I immediately felt cosy warm after I entered the studio. I especially love the juice bar area, finished with a beautiful window overlooking the neighborhood and that's something you love about boutique studios - you feel right at home! And once I entered the actual yoga room, it took me by surprised as I was not expecting a hot yoga class (as I personally prefer normal yoga class!), but I never felt more energized after the class. The class was a little more advanced than I thought, mainly because the fellow yogis are quite seasoned but I felt right at home as Mona was being very attentive and patient with beginners like myself. Verdict - I'll sure be back for more (just hope it's closer to my home!)