
David Hockney: Bigger & Closer

David Hockney: Bigger & Closer

As soon as I settle into my seat, I find myself captivated. The surroundings unfold like a living canvas in Hockney World, an expansive expanse adorned with ever-changing artwork, all seemingly crafted by the artist himself. Hockney's voice narrates us through the journey "The world is a thing of beauty when you truly take the time to look—yet most fail to do so."

As I witness one of his iPad-crafted forests emerge on the screens, I realize that this experience surpasses viewing them on a cold gallery wall. The screens burst with blossoms, purple trees, beautiful British landscape announcing the arrival of spring. Hockney's voice dances through the space as much as the visual spectacle. It shifts from the elderly Yorkshire whisper to a much younger, energetic Hockney from half a century ago.

As we journey on, the flat-grid maps of downtown Los Angeles give way to the winding lanes of the valley landscape, revealing before us in Hockney's vividly painted visions. He speaks of his affection for the city and the sense of freedom and opportunity it offered him in his youth. We find ourselves in the back of a car, accompanying him on a drive through the valley four decades ago, with Wagner's music blaring, just as it did back then!

What an absolute treat to spend a beautiful Summer day with Hockney!

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